Distanta dintre minciuna si adevar este egala cu distanta dintre doi neuroni cu conditia ca acestia, in cele din urma, sa se imprieteneasca si sa colaboreze.
The distance between "Truth" and "Lie" is equal to the distance between two neurons with the condition that they, ultimately, made friends and collaborate.
When already we
thought that we've seen it all, yet another city comes into light – Oradea. By
looking around, the residents of Oradea began to be uneasy thinking that true faith has not yet arrived in their
city, as in Satu Mare or Cluj. Too risky to generate jealousy among children.
No problem. Religious institutions have devised a plan a long time ago; a holy
one, mabye the most holy of all. Exactly when we wonder why religious institutions are so busy with the construction of hundreds, and hundreds,
and hundreds of buildings and exactly when we wonder why 4 millions of their
children fled the country trying to
escape over taxation, slavery and lies imposed by the political clones, the fruitage of their
spiritual understanding and holiness
came into view. Could have been many other milions but fortunately those who remained at home have no longer enough money
for coach tickets, spending on
heating bills. Nothing personal !... just business. Because when you dig deep deep
you may be surprised to find that the transnational groups that have undermined our faith are the
same that promote and support the impersonal
clones called politicians. Same old
trick that always works perfectly when
you got the perfect gullibles around.
It's so unique to become subject of an unconventional
experiment including various dimensions and such a great spiritual and energy
charge. Has much to do with the kids, with mercy and love, and stuff like that, especially with sacrifice for others, it can be seen even from satelite. Who would have ever thought of that? What interesting times…What a
fabulous vision, what a glory !
In fact, there are some doubts regarding the glory because Astrophysics (knowing the mechanism) is just a science and Whoever created this universe have created its laws and their meanings also, it's a whole cosmic mechanism with laws of self regulating and self support. In our classroom called Earth we need to understand the grandeur and power of this huge mechanism and not grabbing it for our petty ideas and skewed visions, claiming that it is the divine will. Using or misusing the laws of the
univers and the properties and powers of astral bodies through Astro-Theology (access to the mechanism) it
does not imply anything more than just the use of knowledge for a specific
purpose, being more or less against the laws of the universe,fighting against the naturalness of life. As a chemist, in perfect
knowledge of cause, uses certain substances to determine or change the
condition of an algae culture in the tube. Nothing more, nothing less. The
difference is that in the frenzied desire for using electro-magnetic fields of celestial bodies they need a huge
energy source, to create a “bound” between Heaven and Earth, and if they “bind” “something” in the Heaven will be "bound" on Earth also and viceversa. Sounds familiar? Is not good just any energy, but one of the best quality
and the most powerful at the same time. How do they get that energy? Well, you have
just discovered. They feed off human energy, creating different resonant energy capsules on the ground and impregnated them with certain symbolic messages. Without “people’s faith” in certain locations they are
simply finished, disconnected from the “astral
engine”. Celestial patterns fit certain synapses in the human brain and by
using quantics (message information) and
resonance calibration (cymatics) to the
electro-magnetism of the “heavenly brain” you can affect radically the reality here on Earth. If they do such
things against their fellow men, can you imagine what a mental state they
possess? Brilliant scenario, insidious idea. What a lunacy.
We, the decent people from Romania, apologize in the front of the sane people from around the world
In the weekly newspaper "Piata Satmareana" no. 241, 19-25 july 2013, it can be seen an awesome picture representing the Local Council of Satu Mare City where the well-known and elected altruistic groups are bothering again and again what to do and how to do better for the population of Satu Mare. Anyway, it's no need to prove anything because the results of their tremendous toil it can be seen all over the place since 1989, the year of coup d'etat, the whole city being robbed like in the "Wild West". But something was missing, and after deep-deep investigations they finally - they finally have figured out what we lacked. And they quiqly resolved the problem dangling some templar and masonic flags on the wall saying: we are the authors of your happiness, don't bother to look somewhere out there, we are already in here. The major major major problem with these kinds of secret groups is that they make a covenant of faith and obedience (they are under oath) to the Lodge or Vatican, not to the country, Constitution, city or people they proclame with hypocrisy to represent, have nothing to do with "serving the people" or other quotes like that. In other way to speak, if the Vatican or any other canned Lodges agree that the mission is different than the Constitution or the people's aspirations then they will operate as established. Are there enough evidences in history to support this statement? You can bet your last penny that there are. And this is a real and dangerous situation, a national security matter. People said that they don't have any relation regarding those flags, they don't know whom is represented by them but something is sure: they are not of ours. And if that's the case the legitimate question is who are those guys there playing with our money and our kids future.
just peace and silence, especially silence is all we need to fool all of you
Let us remember how they try to subordinate the police forces to local administrations and then, of course, to regionalize the country. This is sick, it's like submitting power to the Mob. Yes, we have a Mob here, but it's in small pieces, so let's make it big, really big and let us protect it from people because, who knows, maybe they'll wake up in one day and realize what really is going on. That kind of reverse perception they are playing out...All the data it's pointing to the people being robbed by Mob and needing protection not vice versa.
....so, if you see this don't be surprised to see that olso...
"A journey of three years begins with the first day"
1. Jorge Bergoglio, the so-called Pontiff of the Church of Rome, is a wanted criminal under international law. All men and women are compelled to assist the Sheriffs and deputized Agents of this Court in arresting Bergoglio andbringing him into our Common Law Court for trial and sentencing. 2. As of this date, the Roman Catholic Church is declared to be a transnational criminal organization that has forfeited its wealth, property and authority, and its right to exist as a corporate body. It is forthwith dissolved as anorganization, and its policies and laws are annulled. All persons are compelled to neither associate with nor fundthis criminal body, under pain of fine and imprisonment. 3. All citizens of every nation are authorized to assist in the active disestablishment of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican, Incorporated, by peacefully seizing the assets, property and wealth of this Corporation, andperforming citizen arrests on Roman Catholic Church officials and clergy, especially known or suspected childrapists. This Proclamation, signed and dated by the user, will constitute the legal authorization of these actions, as will the adjoining Bench Warrant Order issued by our Court on August 1, 2013. These facts and the authority of the Court are hereby proclaimed and ratified by the Bearer of this Proclamation. Issued on the Fourth Day of August in the year 2013 in the City of Brussels in Belgium, under the authority of The International Common Law Court of Justice. This Proclamation is issued in nine languages and is being proclaimed publicly in twenty one countries, and across the world. George Dufort, LL.B., Secretary of the Court 4 August, 2013 ICLCJ – 04/08/13 Footnotes 1. Under international law, a criminal organization is "three or more persons in or outside a nation who have as their main purpose or activity the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offenses that, if committed orcounselled, would likely result in the receipt of a material benefit, directly or indirectly, by the group or any personsin the group … Facilitation of an offence does not require knowledge of the offence being committed or facilitated, orthat an offence actually be committed." (Black's Law Dictionary, and also see http://itccs.org/iclcj/for the evidenceof the crimes by the Vatican for which it was found guilty by the Common Law Court). 2. See http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/12/world/europe/pope-overhauls-vatican-laws.html?_r=1& : For a copy of Crimen Sollicitationis see http://hiddennolonger.com/ , appendix 9. 3. Refer to the http://www.unodc.org/documents/treaties/UNTOC/Publications/TOC%20Convention/TOCebook-e.pdf(November 15, 2000), particularly Articles 5, 6 and 12. 4. See http://itccs.org/iclcj/and the appended Bench Warrant Order of August 1, 2013. Source:http://itccs
Looking at the whole picture, at the whole reality, I think we don't even begin to realize with whom we are dealing here. The vastness of the fraud and hypocrisy are absolutely earth-shattering. And the only purpose for which it has been put into practice is total enslavement of the human race. It's the only locical explanation. This is sick.
In Romania, local elected officials who don't refuse nothing
So sad to watch the laws being violated exactly by the officials who have promised in the front of the voters to protect them. Unfortunately, we are not talking about 1 or 2 individuals, but much more than a thousand of them in just this particular case.
If you ever heard of Medelin Cartel or Cosa Nostra or if you have ever seen some movies about them, be sure you have not yet seen anything, but anything like what we have here in Romania, not even close.
Take your video-cameras, buy some tickets, sit down and watch with amazement what they are able to do in order to steal funds intended for common people. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. More interesting and much more important is the mafia system which promotes them in those positions because obviously they are nothing more than docile tools in the hands of sombody who drove them there. The decent romanian people apologizes because of these impostors and their deeds.
Let us see in the near future who is affected by the breakup of this transnational criminal organisation.
Let us see who will cry first.
It is a unique opportunity to see how it works the entire scheme, how big the octopus really is.( The masters of wars and deception - there is a method to the madness)
Welcome to the show !
The Vatican has just found a way to make it illegal to report sexual abuse, and found a conniving way to do it without the general public noticing.
http://www.newslo.com/pope-criminalizes-the-reporting-of-sex-crimes/ highlighted the facts in a revealing article July 20, detailing how few eyebrows were raised last week when Jorge Bergoglio (otherwise known as "Pope Francis") brought the Vatican’s legal system up to date by criminalizing leaks of official information and formalizing laws against sex crimes. But now that the laws have been made public, a closer look revealed that the pope has made it illegal to report sex crimes against children.
According to the new laws, revealing or receiving confidential Vatican information is now punishable by up to two years in prison, while newly defined sex crimes against children carry a sentence of up to twelve years. Because all sex crimes are kept confidential, there is no longer a legal way for Vatican officials to report sex crimes.
“We didn’t mean for this to happen, obviously,” lamented Vatican foreign minister Monsignor Dominique Mamberti. “It’s quite the papal pickle that His Holiness has placed upon our heads. Sex crimes are more illegal than ever, but technically it’s illegal to report them.” Mamberti said that the simultaneous passing of each law is merely a coincidence and insisted that the Church is not trying to protect itself against further embarrassment, but critics outside the Vatican are skeptical.
“They know exactly what they’re doing,” claims Fabrizio Perona of Italy’s LaRepubblica newspaper. “They just thought nobody would notice. The Catholic Church wants to impress the world by appearing to get tough on sex crimes, but they criminalized leaks, which is the only way anybody would ever discover their crimes. It’s genius, if you stop and think about it.”
Mamberti says plans are already being made to eliminate the loophole, but change often comes slowly to antiquated Vatican law, which is based on the 1889 Italian code. “We’re not going to let a dangerous law like this stand, but people need to understand that this is the Vatican, and there is a process here. Voting, incense, prayer. We ask the minors at risk to please be patient with us.”
Clergy and lay people who live and work in Vatican City are subject to the new legislation, which differs from the canon law governing the universal Catholic Church.
As the Holy See moves to clarify the law, Mamberti has warned would-be offenders within Vatican walls that they “are still subject to the most watchful eye of all: the eye of God. His judgment is greater than—oh, who am I kidding? For now, there is nothing we can do.” One thing is certain, the criminal organization known as the Catholic Church can not run from just retribution of the Living God that is about to manifest for all the crimes they have committed. He's already here.
Avis d’arrestation international dÊlivrÊ contre le Pape François/ Jorge Bergoglio pour incitation au Crime et à la Trahison ; L’Eglise Catholique Romaine est dÊclarÊe Organisation Criminelle Transnationale.
Information mondiale consultative en direct du Tribunal international pour les Crimes de l’Eglise et de l’Etat (ITCCS) – Bureau Central
Dimanche 21 juillet 2013
Le 20 juillet, le Pape François a incitÊ publiquement et officiellement à une conduite criminelle les membres de l’Eglise Catholique Romaine en interdisant le report de viols d’enfants au sein de l’Eglise, et en menaçant d’excommunication ceux qui parlent ouvertement des viols ;
Par cette action, l’EvÃĒque de Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, est passible d’arrestation et d’inculpation en tant que Chef d’une Organisation Criminelle, selon les termes de la Convention des Nations Unies contre les Organisations Criminelles Transnationales (2000).
« Le Pape François dit à chaque catholique du monde de passer outre la loi de leur propre pays et de porter assistance et confort aux violeurs d’enfants. Ce n’est pas simplement qu’un acte grossièrement immoral mais c’est un crime de guerre, du fait qu’il s’attaque aux lois et à la souverainetÊ d’autres nations, et menace la sÊcuritÊ de leur peuple » a commentÊ George Dufort, le SecrÊtaire de la Cour Internationale de Justice basÊ en Belgique qui a poursuivi avec succès l’ancien Pape BenoÃŽt et d’autres Officiels du Vatican en FÊvrier dernier.
En rÊponse au communiquÊ de Bergoglio, l’ITCCS a aujourd’hui diffusÊ le plan d’actions suivant à ses affiliÊs dans vingt et un pays, incluant l‘Italie :
1.Le Bureau Central ITCCS a demandÊ un mandat d’arrÃĒt au Bureau du Procureur du Tribunal International de Droit Coutumier, pour l‘arrestation immÊdiate de Jorge Bergoglio et de ses associÊs pour l’inculpation de haute trahison, de crimes de guerre et de conspiration criminelle contre l’humanitÊ et les lois des Nations. Jorge Bergoglio et ses associÊs doivent ÃĒtre immÊdiatement dÊtenus et conduits devant un Tribunal Public pour ces crimes, sous les auspices et l’autoritÊ de la Loi des Nations et de la Cour de Justice internationale de Droit Coutumier.
2.Dimanche, 4 aoÃģt 2013, une communication mondiale sera diffusÊe, dÊclarant que l’Eglise Catholique Romaine est une organisation Criminelle Transnationale selon la loi, et ordonnant ainsi sa sÊparation de l’Etat en incluant la saisie de ses fonds et propriÊtÊs, et arrÃĒtant son personnel administratif et son clergÊ : ces actions sont autorisÊes contre les entitÊs criminelles selon la Convention des Nations Unies ci-dessus mentionnÊe.
3.Il est ordonnÊ aux membres et au clergÊ de l’Eglise Catholique Romaine de s’abstenir de soutenir ou de participer à l’Eglise de Rome, sous peine d’arrestation en tant qu’associÊ d’une organisation criminelle. Le public est encouragÊ à saisir les richesses et les propriÊtÊs de l’Eglise Catholique Romaine selon la loi internationale.
4.Cet ÊnoncÊ est communiquÊ en douze langues et sera promulguÊ dans vingt et un pays, incluant l’Italie et le Vatican comme partie de la Convergence et de la RÊforme Internationale programmÊe les 20 et 22 Septembre 2013 à GÃĒnes et Rome.
International Arrest Warrant to be issued against Pope Francis/Jorge Bergoglio for Inciting Criminality and Treason - Roman Catholic Church is declared a Transnational Criminal Organization
A Global Media Advisory from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) - Central Office
Sunday, July 21, 2013
On July 20, Pope Francis formally and publicly incited criminal behaviour among all Roman Catholics by prohibiting the reporting of child abuse within his church, and threatening excommunication against those who speak about such abuse.
By his action, the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, faces arrest and indictment as the head of a Criminal Organization, under terms of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Criminal Organizations (2000).
"Pope Francis is telling every Catholic in the world to break the laws of their own country and give aid and comfort to child rapists. That's not simply a grossly immoral act but a war crime, since he's attacking the laws and sovereignty of other nations, and threatening the safety of their people" commented George Dufort, the Belgian-based Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice, which successfully prosecuted former Pope Benedict and other Vatican officials last February.
In response to Bergoglio's statement, the ITCCS has today released the following plan of action to its affiliates in twenty one countries, including Italy:
1. The ITCCS Central Office has applied for a Bench Warrant from the Prosecutor's Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice, for the immediate arrest of Jorge Bergoglio and his associates on a charge of high treason, war crimes and a criminal conspiracy against humanity and the Law of Nations. Jorge Bergoglio and his associates are to be immediately detained and brought to public trial for these crimes, under the auspices and authority of the Law of Nations and The International Common Law Court of Justice.
2. On Sunday, August 4, 2013, a Global Proclamation will be issued, declaring the Roman Catholic Church to be a Transnational Criminal Organization under the law, and ordering its active disestablishment, including by seizing its funds and property, and arresting its officers and clergy: actions authorized against criminal bodies by the aforementioned United Nations Convention.
3. Members and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church are hereby ordered to refrain from funding or participating in the Church of Rome, on pain of arrest as associates of a Criminal Organization. The public is encouraged to assist in the seizure of Roman Catholic church wealth and property in accordance with international law.
This Statement is issued in twelve languages and will be enacted in twenty one countries, including in Italy and at the Vatican as part of the International Convergence and Reclamation planned for September 20-22, 2013 in Genoa and Rome.
We wonder why astro-theology it was forbidden since ancient times, there must be a real reason why even in the Scriptures - Deuteronomy 4:19 - was strictly forbidden to practice astro-theology. Well, that makes perfect sense. Astrology its the oldest science on Earth, no doubt about that and it was given to mankind for specific purposes - agriculture, medicine, measurement of "time" and other bio-planetary cycles in order to help human development. That is "astrology", and is there for all of us to understand and use it for good purposes. Its not a secret anymore that ancient scriptures from all the cultures around the world were written in astrological spirit having a deep encoded message in them ( Jordan Maxwell ). It is well known that, somehow, we're tethered in a mysterious way to the stars, to the Earth, and all depend on each other in their movements, affecting and empowering each other ( Santos Bonacci ). So, following the same idea, the same pattern or the same logic may become easily not just "as above so below" but "as above so inside us". But that is one thing. Practicing astro-theology its a different thing, and means monopolisation of the astral forces with selfish ideals and may have completely different effects, not just because we have already prouven throughout our entire history that we are not developed spiritually enough to master this highly sofisticated science but, unfortunately, extremely malevolent characters among us can use it against humankind. And that is black magic. And those velociraptor mindset individuals are hidding in plain site, even in places you have never dared to look. What could be better than religions !? It's warm, it's quiet and everybody tells you to be aware because somewhere out there, not in here, but somewhere out there "The Father of Lies" is searching for you to decive you. What a trick... There comes a time when we must face the truth, doesn't matter how much it hurts, but at least it is the only one who can heal us. We must ask for forgiveness in the front of the sane people and in the front of our Creator because we managed to mock ourselves and our childrens in such a way that we can no longer get out of this mess without help.
By the way, Vatican claim a good portion of the Cluj City (and other cities too) on the grounds that they came here a long time ago, in the name of Jesus of course, and they really had a hard time spreading the true belief among us. Do they truly belive what they say? Because we don't. So, if it turns out to be a fraud it changes the whole equation. The good question is why nobody said nothing about this mega-fraud until now. It is our country entirely taken over by the Mob? Our people fled out searching a new life in foreign places because they are rejected by their own misleaders? How many places at decision making lavel have been occupied by traitors? A total disgrace for all the people living in this country...what a shame being mocked by your own trusted leaders. What a shame...what a shame...
The Old Roman Empire could no longer exist by the force of armies, they hunted down the small communities of "christians" and gnostics because they were well aware of the secret techniques used by the Empire to control the masses. After that Council of Nicea took place in order to hijack the true spirituality, stirring the ancient middle-east Babylonian rituals and pouring over them a glaze of "christian" terminology to give the impression of legitimacy. It was the first big step. Everybody knows that the first thing you must do to become a dictator stuffed with ostrich feathers is to erase the spiritual memory of humanity. And that's exactly what happened. After that the Old Roman Empire was transformed into Roman Catholic Church ("Holy See") in order to dissimulate it self in history and to cause a spiritual anesthesia among the masses, because they realize the only way to conquer the world its possible by mind control and deceiving. And the agenda goes on. Its just a swich of strategy, a reversal behavior. Before they used the armies and wars in the first place and occult rituals in secret, and after "metamorphosis" they used ancient rituals in plain site and bloody wars in secret. But Dacia (and dacian people) was a very hard task, they have not been able to break it down. Even today they can't figure it out what to regionalise and how to do it because it is the only way to expand the Holy Roman Empire's lies and autority. Otherwise The Holy Roman Empire (Holy See) is finished. And it seems to be so. Piso Family and Piso History: How deep is the rabbit hole?
Our childrens do not have even the slightest chance to overcome this highly organized criminal syndicate of black magicians, jesuits, priests of all kinds, masons (they also love big secrets), politicians, former "Securitate" oficers and agents, high ranking officials and other impostors. This Big Black Kabal perpetuate its domination by positioning their rapacious offsprings in key places all over the governamental, institutional, political, secret agencies, banking and religious areas (changing names from time to time). And most shocking of all, recently they want to create a law of referendum in which the will of the people can no longer exist, being enough a very, very (mabye around 15% = whole gang) small number of people to vote unimaginable despotic laws against the others. What in the world is wrong with these guys, being so darkened they even can't see the game is over ? Can you imagine what kind of desperate psychopats and criminal minds we have alowed to rule our destinies? These are our misleaders whom sold out our country, our home. BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM. Quote": There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children". - Nelson Mandela One of the best comediants in the world has a unique replica
Let us remember how impotant steps were made recently by both - catholic and orthodox religio-political institutions - to unify in one and true faith. What is this, a joke? Well, surprise surprise...they unified themselfs a long time ago, even without you to know. The rest its just a masquerade. A jesuit dictator stuffed with feathers...
...at the same moment practicing satanism in other countries under development
Let us also remember the "holy map" of Satu Mare City
Matew 6:6 : "But you when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you".