There comes a time when we must face the truth, doesn't matter how much it hurts, but at least it is the only one who can heal us.
We must ask for forgiveness in the front of the sane people and in the front of our Creator because we managed to mock ourselves and our childrens in such a way that we can no longer get out of this mess without help.
By the way, Vatican claim a good portion of the Cluj City (and other cities too) on the grounds that they came here a long time ago, in the name of Jesus of course, and they really had a hard time spreading the true belief among us. Do they truly belive what they say? Because we don't. So, if it turns out to be a fraud it changes the whole equation.
The good question is why nobody said nothing about this mega-fraud until now. It is our country entirely taken over by the Mob? Our people fled out searching a new life in foreign places because they are rejected by their own misleaders? How many places at decision making lavel have been occupied by traitors?
A total disgrace for all the people living in this country...what a shame being mocked by your own trusted leaders. What a shame...what a shame...
So, after Satu Mare ( ) comes another city full of faith - Cluj.
The Old Roman Empire could no longer exist by the force of armies, they hunted down the small communities of "christians" and gnostics because they were well aware of the secret techniques used by the Empire to control the masses. After that Council of Nicea took place in order to hijack the true spirituality, stirring the ancient middle-east Babylonian rituals and pouring over them a glaze of "christian" terminology to give the impression of legitimacy. It was the first big step. Everybody knows that the first thing you must do to become a dictator stuffed with ostrich feathers is to erase the spiritual memory of humanity. And that's exactly what happened. After that the Old Roman Empire was transformed into Roman Catholic Church ("Holy See") in order to dissimulate it self in history and to cause a spiritual anesthesia among the masses, because they realize the only way to conquer the world its possible by mind control and deceiving. And the agenda goes on. Its just a swich of strategy, a reversal behavior. Before they used the armies and wars in the first place and occult rituals in secret, and after "metamorphosis" they used ancient rituals in plain site and bloody wars in secret. But Dacia (and dacian people) was a very hard task, they have not been able to break it down. Even today they can't figure it out what to regionalise and how to do it because it is the only way to expand the Holy Roman Empire's lies and autority. Otherwise The Holy Roman Empire (Holy See) is finished. And it seems to be so.
Piso Family and Piso History: How deep is the rabbit hole?
Our childrens do not have even the slightest chance to overcome this highly organized criminal syndicate of black magicians, jesuits, priests of all kinds, masons (they also love big secrets), politicians, former "Securitate" oficers and agents, high ranking officials and other impostors. This Big Black Kabal perpetuate its domination by positioning their rapacious offsprings in key places all over the governamental, institutional, political, secret agencies, banking and religious areas (changing names from time to time). And most shocking of all, recently they want to create a law of referendum in which the will of the people can no longer exist, being enough a very, very (mabye around 15% = whole gang) small number of people to vote unimaginable despotic laws against the others. What in the world is wrong with these guys, being so darkened they even can't see the game is over ? Can you imagine what kind of desperate psychopats and criminal minds we have alowed to rule our destinies? These are our misleaders whom sold out our country, our home. BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM.
Quote": There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children". - Nelson Mandela
One of the best comediants in the world has a unique replica
Let us remember how impotant steps were made recently by both - catholic and orthodox religio-political institutions - to unify in one and true faith. What is this, a joke? Well, surprise surprise...they unified themselfs a long time ago, even without you to know. The rest its just a masquerade.
A jesuit dictator stuffed with feathers... the same moment practicing satanism in other countries
under development
Let us also remember the "holy map" of Satu Mare City
Matew 6:6 : "But you when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you".