NSA have recently intercepted a private conversation between two guys, one from the Pleiades, P, and one from Cygnus, C, who traveled through our solar system last week:
"C: Hi
P: Hi
C: What brings you here?
P: I am researcher and I usually collect data about the life forms on distant laboratories to see the speed of evolution. What about you?
C: Well, do not understand me wrong, for some time I have strange feelings about a reserve in this area.
P: What reserve?
C: Earth.
P: Earth?! What about the Earth? What feelings?
C: I dont't know how to explain, it happens some time to sweat in the body, nor can I sleep better too, I have strange dreams...
P: Really? What are you dreaming about?
C: I dream about strange creatures, some sort of people strangely dressed, large and expensive buildings adorned with some kind of yellow metal.
P: Oh, I think you talk about gold, I know the story. Yeah, there are some people down there, they are mining the gold for thousands of years, they disrupts the energy flows of the crust because of that. Let's take a closer look.
C: Do you think they know what they are doing to their "home"? I mean...The Founders put in the Earth's crust that metal to regenerate the Biosphere, same with gems and other minerals, you mean someone pushes them to destroy their nest? Unbelievable... ! What a mess...and where is the "gold", how many million tons were removed thousands of years so far should be the streets overlaid with it.
P: Yeap, you are right, 1% remains on the ground. There are some rumors but...Where is the the Colony?
C: Do you see it?
P: Nope. Ten years ago it was here...
C: Look there, the whitish rock...
P: Wow, what's going on here, it was blue last time I saw it. Hmmm, heavy metal powders surrounds the Reserve, what's going on whit those guys, they have already finished the opium and switched to a higher level? We have some useful information in the archives, any similar behavior or...?
C: Nope, nothing similar. Let's descend closer, it gets interesting.
P: Pozitive
P: (unintelligible)...last time.
C: Yep, I see it too, very interesting.
P: Nothing has changed, on the contrary, it looks like they are still held hostages by the... (unintelligible)
C: What is that?
P: Where?
C: Down there in Colony. Look, massive movements of sad individuals, what's wrong with them?
P: Oh My, look at the interesting architecture they have chosen to worship. Hmmm, I see The Leo Pattern, Bootes Pattern...Lyra and many many more... but wait...look there in the left said, can you see it? That is your home, Cygnus Pattern, it's your home there. Do you know those guys? Why they are worshiping your House?
C: I don't know, do not remember to have left any address...But I can tell you that they are the descendants of the Dacians, the old old people who had and still have the dominion of Time, and Fishhead (and the black creature behind him) wants to destroy them because of that for millennia and still failed, he stole and falsified their true history from the beginnings...so...do you find something in the archives?
P: Nope, nothing similar nowhere else in Universe.
C: You are the researcher, tell me what might be in their minds? What do they think?
P: Well, it's pretty difficult, it looks like the same old m...(unintelligible) have tricked them again. The human race has serious problems.
C: Watch here, I found something in the archives, writes that the race that ran from... (unintelligible) took refuge here and got all the resources of the planet in order to submit people. Can you belive that?!
P: Yeap, I know. And they are keeping them in trance until they'll destroy the whole planet. Maybe I should announce the Quarantine Division.
C: Wait! Maybe we should go down and try something.
P: You are crazy?! They are still poisoning and killing their own kids, what do you think they will do to you, want to feel what it's like to be a barbeqeu? They'll not accept any other truth besides the truth prescribed by the sick leaders.
C:...you are talking about...
P: Yes. You already know those guys, one's wearing a hat that resembles a fish head and the other one is wearing on his head some sort of mushroom embellished with pearls and gems, like in cartoons, and each one of them is convinced that he is the Truth and the Light on the planet. Can you believe that?! But there are many others who believe that they own the planet. I've already checked the archives and I see no other similar behavior in Univers. Their children are dying next to them, their people flee their colony from starvation and disgust, their Home is dying but they still believe that, somehow, they need people's money, they represent the most evil, ruthless enemies mankind ever had - especially the first one, haters of truth and freedom. But anyway, soon, maybe next year they'll find out finally and globally, after centuries, that they are living in a dream, the entire future of humanity is doomed unless they all wake up and realize that the entire superstructure has been corrupted from the beginning. Look through bio-quantum device and see how a branch of the family has mutated after an external intervention thousands years ago, and from then it parasitize the entire colony, has a well planned method, whenever the human family wants to wake up and find it's own way they create an economic crisis, a war, and is invariably followed by a total collapse of the society, everything is a well developed scam down there. It looks like every time the number of hybrids is beyond their power of control or their spiritual value depreciates very much, measures are taken to delete and restart the entire program. They play as disparate and conflicting parties but in fact, oh My, just look at the strong ties they have between each other....and a thousand years in advance at least their technology...huh... free energy devices, interplanetary travels...
C: You're right, it looks like the siege of Circinus but here it is far more cynical and even more evil, the parasite body is so well hidden that it is almost impossible for them to discover it, even we had to find it by using the device, to their level of awareness and understanding...well...would be almost impossible unless they begin to learn how an micromolecular parasite lives and protect it self, this is the first step. An parasitic body has its own methods of concealment in healthy body, has a system of communication based on symbols. When he feels in danger of being removed from the healthy organ it acts instinctual, as a machine, disturbing the functioning of the organ and threatening with total annihilation but ...and here its funny...it will never destroy the entire organism because he need it for his surviving, all the scene it is played out so as to annihilate the will of the organism to be free. As long as the body is subjected the parasite will feed on and try to expand, trying to acquire new resources, human or/and mineral. Sometimes happen to meet each other two tentacles of the same parasite on the same resource and after they kill a few millions people they remember they have the same agenda. Have nothing to do with people, have nothing to do with life, all is about power and control of the humans.
P: Yes, just observe the inventions that were made to keep them in permanent fear...war, war, famine, famine, diseases, meteorites, terrorist gangs...my God, all of them are being invented by them to keep the humans in fear. This is a Prison Planet, the whole human race is under arrest, they can't move, they can't talk the truth, they can't do whatever they want to do, they can't eat biological food, they can't drink clean water and they can't breathe clean air, they can't develop their own lifes...wow...and their souls can not return to the Source after they "die", are captured by artificial electromagnetic structure and returned back to earth with total amnesia...this is the dirtiest game I've ever seen in the Universe.
C: By the way, do you think people knows where tens of thousands of children around the globe are disappearing annually without being found again? Seems to have a lot to do with some underground locations...and tunnels, pretty ugly stuff.
P: If people will find out what's really going on...hmm... in the next second the paradigm will change 180 degrees.
C: Governmental and clerical factions from all over have serious reasons to keep the secret..."deep deep underground", there is the real story.
P: I don't know if they'll be able to hide it forever, anyway the parasite is preparing very soon to launch a new hysteria, an extraterestrial invasion...but wait...oh..fine, it seems to be the last one. I hope they"ll not be duped by this trick, "E.T."s are already down there for a long, long, long time. The so called "spiritual leaders" already know that, and they are a part of the parasite too, and they will try to turn people against us claiming that we are the bad guys so will be a very confuse situation down there in 2-3 years.
C: I wonder if strontium and barium powders sprayed into the atmosphere will sustain the complex holographic images which they will try to project ...I mean...those powders have exactly the ideal properties for holographic projections...
P: Even if it sounds strange but actually people do not see what is real but rather what someone else says it is real although it isn't. How do you think they got to this end road if not by blind faith...they have been lied from day one. If you draw something with some advanced lasers system in the sky would seem even more credible.
C: Yep, very sad...but I particularly like the "religions" idea, I tend to believe that initially had as a goal to shape in a specific way different cultures and then to oppose each other and see which one would best suit their plans of domination and control and believe it or not...still works, they still do not catch the trick. It is a psychopathic behavior, even if the idea itself was brilliant, but it's inhuman what has been developed over.
P: If you think about it logically is the most effective way to keep your power in the Colony where there is another race or another social class, simply annihilate individuals that could lead to a technological and spiritual leap and thus keep that race in the past with hundreds or thousands of years, so they"ll never be able to touch the masters because the two categories will be in different temporary lines. From this perspective it is understandable why they do not provide education and morality, but on the other hand The Founders will fry them all if they do not come to their senses, very soon...
C: (unintelligible)...with my home. I hope the next weekend I'll be more peaceful. Call the Quarantine Division immediately. These guys are starting to lose their minds."
under development
9 more to come
A new field in school this year:
Another History
Necromancy, spiritism, idolatry and the contemplation of death, in a word - a cult of death
...and if nothing happens by chance, you may be wondering why in the Night of the Resurrection must surround the altar 3 times with lit candles at 12 o'clock