Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two Powerful And Useful Sciences - Astrology and Numerology

Because of their importance and power, these sciences have been hidden for millennia. They have been used for many many purposes by different historical characters, kings, priesthoods, actors, warriors etc. In our time these two sciences are abused in the most bizarre and damaging ways. If someone would think to study the past 100 years and find out how many charismatic individuals have knowingly used astrology and numerology to achieve their goals, would be shocked to realize that the inhabitants of the Earth were duped almost always.

watch it from min 1:31 sec.

quote: "Finally, I belive that my next  100 days will be so successful I will be able to complete them in 72 days. And on the 73rd day, I will rest."

Complete/completion  in  72 ? On the 73rd  I'll rest ?
Its a double meaning message
Could be Solomon' Sigils summonings involved, could be Earth Chakras, could be many other things related to "72" and "73", all togheter combined with the numerological power and symbolic meanings of "11" and "22" shows us an absolutely ingenious and efficient "modus operandi" in order to synchronize issues and phenomena related to both, celestial and terrestrial dimensions.
This is very occult.

But watch this

The evening that Obama made this statement was may 9 2009 at about 10 PM.
According to the Lunar Calendar, witch is more important, it was already may 10 2009, so the "next 100 days" have started in may 11 2009. But the "completion" will take place after 72 days and that fall exactly in july 21 2009. "And on the 73rd day, I will rest." That day is july 22 2009, the day was held the most important Solar Eclipse of the Sun in this Century. So, I think there are more to the story, more than our eyes can see. What it can bee seen with the naked eye is the fact that somebody is using these powerful ancient sciences - astrology and numerology - to empower and amplify a specific agenda and individuals. 
It is deeply occult and not necessarely benevolent considering the symbolic meaning.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Alex Collier - Amazing words

In the spring of 1995, Alex Collier made a strange statement about the future of Japan:
After 16 years, in 2011,  his words meet the reality:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

European Union Dictatorship Rising - Blueprint For Total Enslavement

The real truth behind European Union

                                                Europaische WiertschaftsGemeinschaft
The history is not devoid of humor, what goes around comes around. Its not funny that people do not want to see or they are not yet able to see  that behind both, Communism and Nazism, and today's  EU, are basically the same Rothschild banking families and euro-asian impostors (the same genetically modified  lineage - spiritually created in VIII Century) whom hijacked the spiritual legacy of the original semitic tribes (Rev. 2:9) in order to divert history and spirituality ? Those experiments called Nazism, Communism, Corporatism were designed to verify what dictatorial system works best in order to amalgamate countries under the latest idea called "Globalism" (NWO). Any decent historian would quite easyly prove this truth based on archive documents; and all of them ( Nazism, Communism, Corporatism) were designed and promoted by the same old banking cartels and aristocratic families in Europe. It is basically the same old  lie endlessly rolling over the world. The question is who invented them? Now, we are getting closer to the truth. It is well known that Vatican "invented" Rothschild in order to have somebody to handle the enormous wealth gained from invasions and theft and, in the same time, to remain a "clean christian figure". So was "invented" the corporate banking post-Templars, an effective vehicle for financial collapsing European countries. There was a Big Deal between the two - Vatican and Askenazi-european fake jews, in return Vatican promised to invent for them a country in Palestine. The rest of it is just history now. That's the way it works.

The recent roots and foundation of EU as published in Nazi Germany in 1942 (supervisor - Adolf Hitler):
The EUropean Economic Community, get it now

Why the history is repeating again and again...and again. Because somebody is pushing that way maybe?
A great work by David Noakes on

How it interrelates these truths in Romania?  Do we realy realize what we've shoved into?  Who's paying the   price for total destruction and subjugation of Romania? Of course, always the price it is payed by innocent people and future generations whom have nothing  to do, whatsoever, with these disastrous plans and manipulations.  After 50 years of horrors and communist dictatorship we desperately want  to  show to our childrens that we are not just insane but desperately insane. Not just because we already know where it goes with these kinds of financial dominions and sionist dynasties but we want to prove that we can make it even worse. That's our legacy. God bless Romania.