Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"Last chance" in relation to what?

Well, the pilots of aeroplanes which spread chemicals in the atmosphere are very skilled in their job, someone would tell. But others might say that they are really masters.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

24 for Satu Mare

Duminica, 16.06.2013, ora 22.00, o intreaga flota de "lumini" si-a facut prezenta la Satu Mare in doar 10 minute. In ritmul acesta sunt sanse mari sa egaleze cele 114 aparitii pe parcursul a 8 luni in anul 2012. Acest gen de globuri luminoase nu sunt deloc neobisnuite in zona aceasta in special la marginile orasului, au fost observate inca din anii "80,  de cele mai multe ori aparant in formatie de 3 globuri orange-roz. Nu e sigur inca daca luminita de la capatul tunelului e semnul sperantei ori e un tren care vine. Sau poate amandoua. :)

Sunday, 16 june 2013, at 22.00, a whole fleet of "lights" showed up in Satu Mare City in just 10 minutes. In this rhythm are chances to match the 114 appearances over the course of 8 months in 2012. This sort of glowing orbs aren't at all unusual in this area especially at the edges of the city, have been noticed since "80, most of them in formation of 3 orange-pink orbs. Not sure yet if the light at the end of the tunnel is the sign of hope or its a train coming. Or maybe both. :)

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...and another one from Satu Mare posted by "csaby bmp" on youtube

                                                                                              Similar recordings from around the world

                                                                                                      ...one of the best compilation