Monday, August 5, 2013

We've tricked you again

In the weekly newspaper "Piata Satmareana" no. 241, 19-25 july 2013, it can be seen an awesome picture representing the Local Council of Satu Mare City where the well-known and elected altruistic groups are bothering again and again  what to do and how to do better for the population of Satu Mare. Anyway, it's no need to prove anything because the results of their tremendous toil it can be seen all over the place since 1989, the year of coup d'etat, the whole city being robbed like in the "Wild West". But something was missing, and after deep-deep investigations they finally -  they finally have figured out what we lacked. And they quiqly resolved the problem dangling some templar and masonic flags on the wall saying: we are the authors of your happiness, don't bother to look somewhere out there, we are already in here.
The major major major problem with these kinds of secret groups is that they make a covenant of faith and obedience (they are under oath) to the Lodge or Vatican, not to the country, Constitution, city or people they proclame with hypocrisy to represent, have nothing to do with "serving the people" or other quotes like that. In other way to speak, if the Vatican or any other canned Lodges agree that the mission is different than the Constitution or the people's aspirations then they will operate as established. Are there enough evidences in history to support this statement? You can bet your last penny that there are. And this is a real and dangerous situation, a national security matter.
People said that they don't have any relation regarding those flags, they don't know whom is represented by them but something is sure: they are not of ours. And if that's the case the legitimate question is who are those guys there playing with our money and our kids future.

just peace and silence, especially silence is all we need to fool all of you 
Let us remember how they try to subordinate the police forces to local administrations and then, of course, to regionalize the country. This is sick, it's like submitting power to  the Mob. Yes, we have a Mob here, but it's in small pieces, so let's make it big, really big and let us protect it from people because, who knows, maybe they'll wake up in one day and realize what really is going on. That kind of reverse perception they are playing out...All the data it's pointing to the people being robbed by Mob and needing protection not vice versa.

                                                                     , if you see this don't be surprised to see that olso...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Urbi et orbi


"A thousand miles begins with a single step"
"A journey of three years begins with the first day"

1. Jorge Bergoglio, the so-called Pontiff of the Church of Rome, is a wanted criminal under international law. All men and women are compelled to assist the Sheriffs and deputized Agents of this Court in arresting Bergoglio and bringing him into our Common Law Court for trial and sentencing.

2. As of this date, the Roman Catholic Church is declared to be a transnational criminal organization that has forfeited its wealth, property and authority, and its right to exist as a corporate body. It is forthwith dissolved as an organization, and its policies and laws are annulled. All persons are compelled to neither associate with nor fund this criminal body, under pain of fine and imprisonment.

3. All citizens of every nation are authorized to assist in the active disestablishment of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican, Incorporated, by peacefully seizing the assets, property and wealth of this Corporation, and performing citizen arrests on Roman Catholic Church officials and clergy, especially known or suspected child rapists.

This Proclamation, signed and dated by the user, will constitute the legal authorization of these actions, as will the adjoining Bench Warrant Order issued by our Court on August 1, 2013.
These facts and the authority of the Court are hereby proclaimed and ratified by the Bearer of this Proclamation.
Issued on the Fourth Day of August in the year 2013 in the City of Brussels in Belgium, under the authority of The International Common Law Court of Justice.
This Proclamation is issued in nine languages and is being proclaimed publicly in twenty one countries, and across the world.

George Dufort, LL.B., Secretary of the Court
4 August, 2013
ICLCJ – 04/08/13

1. Under international law, a criminal organization is "three or more persons in or outside a nation who have as their main purpose or activity the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offenses that, if committed or counselled, would likely result in the receipt of a material benefit, directly or indirectly, by the group or any persons in the group … Facilitation of an offence does not require knowledge of the offence being committed or facilitated, or that an offence actually be committed." (Black's Law Dictionary, and also see for the evidence of the crimes by the Vatican for which it was found guilty by the Common Law Court).
2. See :
For a copy of Crimen Sollicitationis see ,  appendix 9.
3. Refer to the (November 15, 2000), particularly Articles 5, 6 and 12.
4. See   and the appended Bench Warrant Order of August 1, 2013.

Source: http://itccs            

Looking at the whole picture, at the whole reality, I think  we don't even begin to realize with whom we are dealing here. The vastness of the fraud and hypocrisy are absolutely earth-shattering. And the only purpose for which it has been put into practice is total enslavement of the human race. It's the only locical explanation. This is sick.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Organized Crime System vs Justice System

What could be more relevant than the article published in "Le Monde":

En Roumanie, des élus locaux qui ne se refusent rien

Which means exactly the same thing in english:

In Romania, local elected officials who don't refuse nothing

So sad to watch the laws being violated exactly by the officials who have promised in the front of the voters to protect them. Unfortunately, we are not talking about 1 or 2 individuals, but much more than a thousand of them in just this particular case.
If you ever heard of Medelin Cartel or Cosa Nostra or if you have ever seen some movies about them, be sure you have not yet seen anything, but anything like what we have here in Romania, not even close.
Take your video-cameras, buy some tickets, sit down and watch with amazement what they are able to do in order to steal funds intended for common people. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. More interesting and much more important is the mafia system which promotes them in those positions because obviously they are nothing more than docile tools in the hands of sombody who drove them there.

The decent romanian people apologizes because of these impostors and their deeds.