Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ex ossibus ultor

             The world as we know it is about to change, the celestial mechanism is setting the last changes before the Great Reset.
             We are not talking about human resets, but about the True Reset that is about to happen in our lifetime. Has anyone even wondered why the secret powers of the world are endlessly forcing countless resets on people? What is their true purpose? Why every reset is aimed at reducing rights, many are meant to reduce people's lives through vaccinations, poisoned food, poisoned water, poisoned air, why every war seems meaningless and all governments actions are aimed at perverting life, canceling everything that is good and natural. It is a very good question, and the powers of the world had enough time to burn most of the ancient manuscripts that had the answer to this question. That's why in history you will notice countless times the destruction of libraries for one reason or another, but the real reason are the causes for which we are now at a standstill. 

            The truth is stranger than fiction. The old manuscripts warned the people that the entire terrestrial civilization is built by an old underground civilization through exponents chosen on the surface to control human evolution and lead it in one direction or another. This process has been going on for thousands and thousands of years. The secret services know it, the priesthood knows it, the governments know it, only the human population does not know it, because the human population is too lazy and distracted by the circus instead of reading and searching. But now it's towards the end, and luckily everyone will find out the result of the graduation test. But the main reason why the ancient manuscripts were hidden or destroyed is Phoenix, and remember this word, Phoenix is the end of civilization, the Nexus Point, the Keeper of the Calendar, the moment when a civilization disappears to be reborn in another paradigm. At the same time, the powers that rule the world are forced to withdraw from the surface and humanity have the opportunity to gain its sovereignty and choose its future. Because if you don't know what Phoenix means, how it manifests and when it manifests then someone, for example an underground group, extremely technologically advanced, thousands of years ahead, will use you and keep you in a time loop forever.

             Phoenix is a celestial major reset program that has been fixed since the beginning of mankind and appears regularly every 138 years, its destruction being proportional to the degree of civilization's corruption. It attacks all corrupt systems, people, animals, nature, it doesn't matter, it destroys everything if it is necessary to bring the entire creation back to its original point. It manifests violently through earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, rains, catastrophic mudfloods and fire. No one and nothing can stop it. Maybe someone is wondering why the powers of the world are frantically digging to build cities at great depth, spending tens of trillions that suddenly disappeared from the countries' budgets. The reason is simple, they know what's coming and they're trying to escape and save their lives. But there is no escape because compared to the past, Phoenix has several upgrades. But you can't stop someone from trying, can you? And this time it's the Boss level, the next Phoenix event will be very big, bigger than the so-called Noah's Flood, which was also caused by Phoenix, and its comming in the middle of may 2040. The drama and importance of this event is so great that all the powers that rule the world from the shadows have united to prepare their withdrawal and return to the surface after a few generations. And now you must pay close attention to what follows because it is vital. The elites who will retire to the underground cities will do so at least 3 years before 2040 leaving behind only a few management systems. They know that Phoenix only manifests itself extremely strongly for a certain period and then decreases in intensity, and they have built their entire world depopulation plan trying to use the destructive power of  Phoenix against the people, so the big blow will be diverted towards the people, not the elites, who actually caused the corruption and abnormality. How? Simple. They force people to inject substances that alter their natural genetic programs and infect their minds with transhumanist philosophies and depraved behaviors. And that's enough for Phoenix, it will direct its force towards the ignorant population. That's the trick. And this is not all. There is also a second part, the part when the elites will have to return to the surface again to rule the world, just like the last time. But there is a big problem in realizing this scenario as long as millions or tens of millions of people survive the disaster caused by Phoenix, having a memory of the past and guns, lots of guns. And then they will have to wait a while, not too long, because at the beginning of October 2046, another celestial major reset protocol is activated, at least as big as Phoenix, called Nemesis, which will generate major continental movements. After Nemesis, there won"t be much left of the Nordic countries, a big part of North America will no longer exist or will be uninhabitable. All this will pass and the elites will decide after a few generations to come out. And when they come out, they will find some survivors living in the stone age, without memory of a past, without defense systems, without education and culture, without any remains of history to remind them of what happened, of where they come from, who were their ancestors and who brought them to this situation, and most important...no guns. How to achieve this? Simple. Through the laws, you withdraw all the accessories that can help man withhold free energy, safety, and at the same time you make them dependent on solar and wind energy. Why? Because after Phoenix and Nemesis, we will return to the biosystem that was before the Great Flood, a tropical climate without wind, with a purple sun hidden by the vapor canopy. So, as you see, the world governments actually promote and force an undermining and collapse of society which turns people into targets and doomed souls, all to ensure a safe return to the surface of the old guard.

              And now let's see how the hidden powers of the world use religion for their agenda. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are based on the same ancient source of faith, a source that was purely spiritual, but over the centuries it was modified and it got where it got. The original form of the spiritual teachings was distorted and terms were introduced that were meant to advantage an ethnicity, a group, a custom. People took it for granted. Israel is not a country or a nation, it is a very well thought out operation a long time ago in the light of what will happen. The old egyptian pyramids, the place where the elites of the world go to worship, have a major importance in the wars and genocides that Israel does, and this is because the pyramids and a circle with a radius of 2-3,000 km around them will be less  affected by Phoenix and Nemesis. Someone from the northern regions is trying to find shelter there and create a bridgehead but they will not stop there, their main target are the egyptian pyramids, more exactely The Great Pyramid, some ancient holy sites in Syria and a free way to Ur. But you can't simply declare something like that, you better invent a history and promised lands and use the chronology, the Phoenix and Nemesis events, and the New Testament stages to create the impression of a casual report between. No, not at all, Phoenix and Nemesis have been set since the beginning of human history and operate according to completely different criteria. Why is this information important? Because the sixth seal in the New Testament is the appearance of  Phoenix and the seventh seal is Nemesis. The world's hatred against Israel is provoked, it is artificial, it is meant to be confused with what the Scriptures say about the world's hatred against the Jews. As well as the prophecy about Gog and Magog, meaning Russia and China, and which shows Israel's desperation to trap these two countries, to provoke their armed invasion towards Turkey and Israel in order to respect the steps in the New Testament. After failing to create the New Jerusalem in the south-east of Ukraine they are trying hard to recreate the same scenario in the north-east of Rumania, also being a teritory of a major spiritual importance besides Sirya and Egypt. Don't take the bait, it's a spiritual fraud of great proportions, everything is man made. In fact, the appearnce of the two reset protocols is so important that the Roman Catholic Church had to create an entire new calendar precisely for the sole reason of hiding vital informations. Just looking at the countries where masked depopulation programs are taking place ( Palestine, Sirya, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Cyprus ) and their position  related to the Great Pyramid, you will understand the overwhelming importantce of hiding Phoenix and Nemesis events. The masked takeover of new countries takes place in three stages: economic takeover, politic and administrative takeover and finally ethnic cleansing. In the third stage two programs are carried out simultaneously - forcing local young people find other countries for better salaries and the permanent infusion different ethnicities and cultures. Its the same scenario everywhere.
             So, if you really want to know what is happening, look at what Israel is doing, or rather who created Israel, look at how they chose their victims, how they act in accordance with the stages in the New Testament and all of them not by a will and divine impulse but because they know when Phoenix will be activated - May 15, 2040, and Nemesis - October the 1"th, 2046 and all their actions are forced into this timeline. It is not excluded that sometimes they will get some help from underground factions regarding some heavenly signs and other inexplicable phenomena because those who live underground have incredibly advanced technology but are limited in their actions by certain  protocols which are not allow them to even go out when they want and not even help their proteges when asked. Olso there are factions ready to help humanity in a very discret way but they are restricted by the same protocols. And here on the surface someone has an agenda and when they return after the great disasters, they will already have a new chosen people, untouched by cataclysms, only good for the rest of humanity to follow. And when they return to the surface with all their advanced technology and techniques, how do you think the people of the stone age will react. They will be seen as gods. Flying chariots that make a noise like thunder? Fire from the sky coming down? Telling these Jews to multiply and replenish the earth? Come on... Does"nt mean that there is not a benevolent divine force helping mankind, it is everywhere, up and down, and outside the construct in which we live in, it is what most people imagine what a benevolent divine force should look like and by no means the monstruosity that bathes and wallows in the blood of innocent children.

               I want to mention that although aspects of the return of the two celestial reset protocols were tangentially known, much of this material is based on the enormous and unparalleled work of Jason Breshears, an unconventional author, researcher and exceptional chronologist who spent most of his life studying old books and manuscripts that were hidden or withdrawn from the public long ago. The work of Jason Breshears becomes  the more important as the times we live in seem to return to the patterns of civilizations long gone.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Audiatur et altera pars

                   My grandfather used to say that if you want to start a good job you have to start with a map, an old map.

               The situation in Ukraine is complicated, very complicated and the government-sponsored televisions are doing their best to make it even more complicated. The human farm is located here, in the green area, also known as the authorized map of the Earth, a small part where some mentally disturbed people perform macabre experiments on the fragile human hybrid race.

                   Even if it's hard to believe, the current conflict is deeply religious, like most of the conflicts started by the Illuminati Kabbalah. They try hard and by any means to distort reality, but if you look closely at the details and understand the modus operandi you"ll immediately understand the purpose and the actors.

                   Astrology is the oldest science in the world, our world, and it influences our destiny from the beginning in the deepest and most mysterious way. It means that from the moment of the initiation of the human program, millions, if not billions of years ago, the astral system that adorns the Dome it is somehow related to the destiny of humanity in general and in particular to the destiny of each individual.That's a science. A science that has been narrated and masked in a story, a story of the stars, a story of the astral movements. It is the oldest story ever told.

                    The true science of Astrology has been kept secret, and instead, those who hold the true science have falsified all existential landmarks in such a way that no one, ever, will be able to understand what is going on and who is pulling the strings.

                    The Earth is not a globe, the Library of Alexandria was set on fire to mask a robbery, history is falsified, televisions lie, pharmaceutical companies are not there to save anyone, and no one will go to Mars.  

                    Do you remember the Gulf War and the name of the campaign?  "Shock and awe".Wrong. It was Shekinah, meaning "the presence of God." The words differ but the pronunciation is identical. It was the revenge of the "Jews" against Babylon (Iraq) masked in a war against a tyrant to defend a segment of the population. Curious ,right? That's just one example of the false flag operation to cover something much bigger.  Exactly the same thing is happening in Ukraine, and that's because it's the same occult group that has penetrated almost every government in the world. It starts religious wars and is guided exclusively by the Bible not because they are extremely pious but because they are aware of the science that underlies the Bible and they try to use it for their own purpose.

                    Soldiers on the ground are always there, wherever a problem arises, a conflict, assassinations against uncomfortable people, false flag operations, over and over again investigations lead to secret agents, especially the CIA, Mossad and those assigned to them. One created by Catholic Masonery (Maltese knights), so it obeys to Vatican and the other created by the Rotschild banking cartel, meaning City of London, British Royality.

       Now watch this guy closely

                           His official name is Raed Arafat, the guy who implements the Covid depopulation agenda of the Occult Illuminati in Romania and wears, of course, the Mossad pijamas.

                       What do you say, could the situation be identical in Ukraine?  Observing for years what is happening there you begin to realize that the same thing happens as in Romania, step by step. It's as if the same brain, the same strategist imposes the depopulation of Romania and Ukraine, the same strategist provokes and manipulates the minorities"crises" everywhere. 
                       It is already well known that the Khazars were chosen by the Occult to become the chosen people to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible. Exactly, somehow God has something else to solve in another neighborhood and has appointed bankers and Jesuits to fulfill the prophecies in the human farm. Does it make any sense or it's totally something else going on? Why would someone try so hard to create events and characters that gives the impression of prophetic fulfillment? Normally there are only two logical explanations, the entire New Testament is false or, which seems much more likely, many events have already taken place and someone deleted them from the archives, reset the entire human society with children from orphanages who did not had any sense of the past or memory, changed the calendars and the years and finally started to reinvent the biblical events. The world catastrophes of the 17 - 18 centuries, earthquakes, floods and massive landslides that covered practically all continents were deleted from the archives. Why? What do they have to hide to erase such events, of such magnitude, from the collective memory. Since the
 history and real events have been deeply distorted it means that the timeline is no longer the real one.

                        So, let's take a little closer look at Rotschild's chosen people and see who they are. 40 percent khazars, 40 percent European settlers and the rest everything you can imagine. After almost a century spent in Palestine it seems quite obvious that they have no future there surrounded by a lot of Semitic peoples who have suffered unimaginable iniquities and horrors because of the Rotschild chosen people. A solution had to be found, where to go, where to start another adventure? Where else than where they left off, in Khazaria. But there's a problem, there are some countries and some nations. Could that be the new promised land? Hmm, it doesn't really seem to be, even if for a century Khazarian Kabalah tried to invent promised lands in other countries, including Crimea. That is precisely why Ukraine has never registered its borders and precisely why the Romanian Government controlled by the Kazarian Cabal refused the return of Moldova to the Motherland, at the proposal of Russia. Such acts of aggression, cunning and cruelty against humanity you could expect to see only from the world's most prolific criminals. And that's exactly what it is. Rothschild and his creation, his chosen people. Because not everyone can sink to the bottom of hell to shine in such a way, so you need to be special and chosen to be able to kill and steal what is not yours.

                   So they secretly began to implement a plan to form a land by destroying the countries that are neighboring or currently occupying the former territory of Kazaria. It's the only solution. And that can only be done through destructive war. The plan is simple. Always using the minorities crisis , they hope that Ukraine and Russia will destroy each other, involving other countries as well, such as Romania, Poland and others along the way. That is why they fought hard to have control in Romania and forcibly depopulate it, in case their plan does not come out and Russia realizes the trap, they must have a refuge somewhere near by. By the way, has anyone at least wondered why the so-called traitorous Romanian authorities promised to offer Romanian citizenship to about a million Jews from Israel? Hmmm, it's very strange and looks a lot like a disguised migration. Where in the world have you heard of such a thing? That"s the real deal, folks.

The khazarian sigil on Ukraine's flag

                     And now I'm going to show you why Russia is so important in their plan. Those who manipulate the chosen people from the shadows want this conflict to match the prophecy in the Bible about Gog and Magog. Even if everything is obviously a staging, a forced manipulation of events to create the impression of prophetic fulfillment it should be remembered that the plan to stage anything in order to force the Russian army to leave its borders will not be abandoned, it is vital that the events of prophecy are imitated on the terrestrial level.  Using deceptions and provocations, they would like to push the Russian army towards Turkey and Israel, to divide it and incapacitate it, optimal time for the generalization of war and horrors. This doesn't have to happen. It's a trap. We are dealing with mentally debilitated people who have come to power. And after millions of people will lie dead on the roads, who to blame? God? That's God's plan, we have no fault. Don't you see, everything was written.

                    Now, that's the latest news from the hospice. The Illuminati khazars , together with the banking cartels, togheter with the Vatican (the children lover) spends their last pennies to fulfill the prophecies of God that anyway it would be fulfilled but in a different direction. What a game !

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ancient News


Aaron Russo

true for Romania

full interview


Monday, August 25, 2014

Institutionalized crime in Satu Mare


         When criminal characters come to lead important institutions as Public Administration, Police etc all normal order turns into the worst nightmare for citizens. Normally, such institutions should protect society from adverse actions such as theft of resources - electricity, natural gas, thermal waters etc or against criminal groups which have become experts in stealing public funds using as cover various institutions, but where institutions are hijacked by criminal groups then their attention is moving mainly to protect illegal activities and even more so, the established mutant-securist mob is trying to "create" fake files - supported by false assumptions - to create an alibi as "legal covering" to track down and threaten ordinary citizens  who could, at some point, become a threat to the established mafia system,  and to do the dirty work (microwave toys and other funny stuff) they usually use criminals which instead of being in jail are on the loose forever, or other (which are in fact the new-born secret services - different branches)  young mentally retarded agents for permanent home harrasment. 
             This is the classic "modus operandi" used in Satu Mare to protect mafia structures scattered all over in public institutions and there are cases in which citizens have made criminal complaints against institutionalized mafia but, instead of defending their rights, on the contrary, they are decived  by different methods in which their signatures are stolen and used to close cases fraudulently.

                                                                                          Institutionalized MAFIA at work in SATU MARE

This is how the things are done
- Joe Pesci should take some lessons in Satu Mare -

1. In the paragraph No. 1 they already recognize that they have found someone who illegally wiretapped phones (in reality they are many more, securist - bolsheviks - criminal punks) - after two years from the filing of criminal complaint !!! ( we wonder what kind of creature is born already equipped with interception equipment?)
2. In the paragraph No. 2 judicial authorities stated that the victim ...... was heard on 18.12.2008 !!!! ( A Big Lie ).....and...listen to this .....
"and dropped the criminal complaint and the right to compensation" and also signing for it. Everything is absolutely perfect with the only exception that such event never took place, no even one notice was ever sent in 10 years by Satu Mare Police or other autority to the victim, no hearings, no nothing.
The capital question is how did the victim's signature reached on such a decision. The answer is very simple. They sent two policemen (one's name is Dindelegan)  to bounce the victim from the street, to put the victim in police car, and put it under pressure to sign a document while saying that there has never been any illegal intercepting, it is just the victim's imagination. And all this not just personally, but in the name and with the authority of the institutions they represent. Whose orders were followed by those policemen? And that's not all, meanwhile the Institutionalized Mafia have tried all the tricks to discredit and discourage all attempts to enforce laws, and behold, after more than 10 years they still do not want to apply the laws and The Constitution, they're still saying that people are stupid enough and the Pope himself gave them and to their children the divine right to decide, rule and do whatever they pleased for ever and ever, earnestly contemplating the legislative and administrative model of Burkina Faso. Civilisation, human rights? Never heard. Absolutely outrage.

             Generally speaking, such things happen in a small town in Romania - called Satu Mare.
             What kind of sick and distorted minds could conceive such a degradation of social order?
             Illegal wiretaps, illegal surveillance, stalking, frauds, threats, intimidations, forcing certains citizens to leave the country and many many more. Is this a model of living together in a country that claims to be civilized?  Wait a minute, we thought that such practices were done since "89, we're missing something here? Who are these guys who terrorize Satu Mare City? This is pure Mafia in its creative peak, the most dangerous stage that a country can reach at its administrative and institutional level.
             Does anyone know what kind of shadowed system protects and promotes such compromised individuals in roumanian institutions? How can such characters to reach that level and control an entire city? Can you imagine what kind of mentaly deranged, criminal, bolshevik, stalinist, corrupted secret services we have to deal with? Someone maybe will ask why all the young people just want to get f... out of the country. Thats why.

         Someone has to clean it up quickly otherwise society itself will assume responsibility, under international common law, to protect itself against endless abuses of corrupt institutions and eliminate mafia elements from the system.
Satu Mare City Hall and City Council
falsification of  promotion tests for administrative structures
abuse of power
sale of common goods to friends, family and others
directing social funds to personal affairs
transformation of administrative affairs into a personal business

Satu Mare Police
illegal interception of telephones
private signature fraud
abuse of power
distortion of truth

Satu Mare Court
abuse of power
releasing particularly dangerous criminals
contributing to the illegal allotment of land to persons who actually are not entitled to it

Monday, August 18, 2014

Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem

                     Every nation has contributed to the world culture and spirituality, some more and some less, throughout history have emerged particularly important old manuscripts and artefacts which brought more light on the people's way. 
                     Soon it looks like a new biblical discovery will disturb a little bit the millennial trance. Is not yet fully confirmed, but there are rumors that a guy of ancient manuscripts, called Remfan, was found in Dacia (Roumania) - Arad City, he is doing very well in the high grass of the city and has big plans. 
                     If the information is confirmed then it seems that the institutions that were for so long in search of him, and were so troubled by the agility with which he was hiding, will no longer need so many funds for further investigations. The case is closed. Next patient, please!

Do you wanna know what Big Mob really means?
Link for PDF large map:

When Dacian people will realize, finally, what kind of ancient, dark rituals they were drawn into by bolshevik-sionist mafia, without their knowledge...well...mabye just then they'll see and really understand  the true nature of the secret societies, secret orders and distorted characters they have allowed, naively, to decide their future. What you see here, and in the other maps too, are authentic ritualistic scenes used by the black secret orders of ancient priesthoods, were called in various ways - magic sigils, keys (of course, you have no idea what kind of gate opens) etc, and the "outsiders" called them "the gates of hell", not because they had a very rich imagination but when the secret orders performed sometimes human sacrifices (see the specific locations of various "accidents", fires and "crimes") then a whole avalanche of abnormale events began to manifest in reality defying the natural course of the society. Today, they often run such rituals to create "spontaneous revolutions" and feuds among people, it creates suspicion between brothers, extreme mental manipulation, maximum disorientation (according to the persued objective), impossibility of a natural social development etc and every time the ritual must coincide with an specific astral circumstance or a date of an ancient celebration  when they worshiped a god,  which usually begin and end with human sacrifices (see the specific locations of various "accidents", fires and "crimes"). Are nothing but bloody rituals in various disguises ( masked in various public commemorations and celebrations, "special public meetings" etc ) and from which it benefits, usually, exactly the same medieval groups of bankers and priests. This kind of knowledge, or...let's say the secrets of black arts were held in the greatest secrecy thousands of years, nobody knew who forward them and to whom but the last time that anyone had openly access to it was when the Templars stole them from Palestine. After that they were grabbed by Papacy and jesuits, and from there they came, in small bits, in possession of various Masonic orders (created by jesuits - various masonic branches or false Christian sects) across the continent. It is now understood why Masonry and the Church  are declared to be a public utility? They have nothing to do with the original gnostic trend called "christianity",  which tried desperately to extract people out of the satanic domination imposed by the power system since then. They are the two sides of the same coin, governments are just o joke, were put there for sheeps to think that they are choosing someone. The rest is just a macabre experiment with the minds and souls of men. Would be interesting to find out who is behind all these malevolent attacks against Dacian (rumanian) people, would be so interesting to know who started the dastardly attack of  '89  and who were so interested to chase Rumanian children out of their own country. Why Dacian (rumanian) children were told after '89 that they have no chance to develop their own lifes in their own country and it's better to go somewhere else?  Why anyone would want to remove the original Dacian ethnic element from Rumania and continuously falsify the history hiding what it is already written in all histories. Who could be so barbaric in nature and desperately promoting satanism on a poor people who did not move from here for nearly 5000 years? There is a law in the Universe according to which, sooner or later, each one will get to drink from the cup he poured it to others. That's the law. It works for millions of years and is part of the electro-magnetic mechanism that we call The Universe (the space under the Dome). So far...no one has escaped.

- If you find in your town such "schemes" then your society too has been already infiltrated and subverted by bolshevik-sionist-allogeneic mafia. Better wake up and confront the most cunning, clever and ruthless enemy that you've ever imagined. -

This sort of parasite has a specific method of  spreading and camouflage, the secret of its  longevity and immunity lies exactly in the total discretion and mimicry in which manages to infiltrate...
1. banking
2. religion
3. politics
4. intelligence
5. energy industry
6. entertainment industries
7. government
8. education
9. sport
10. media
11. finances
12. courts of law
13. law enforcement...
...mainly targeting the sources of money, informations and points of major influence over society. When the bolshevik-allogeneic parasite it feels in danger of being exposed acts simultaneously in all directions causing outbreaks of social unrest, high-level actions (government, ministries, decisions, laws, pshycho - war on citizens etc.) that shocks and unsettles society, irredentist and other ethnic groups act immediately desperately seeking to provoke ethnic incidents to instantly "transform" them into "victims"(oh ...memories of the old school tricks), arsonists appear out of nowhere, all kinds of antisocial actions APPARENTLY without any connection between them, diversions to weaken vigilance and creating disorientation and uncertainty, an attempt to destabilize mentally what was left of the healthy civil society. It is the only way managed so far to preserve itself and escape removal. Is old, rooted in a nation's lifeblood and the only way to annihilate it is exposure. Studying only slightly Satu Mare Bolshevik-allogeneic Mafia Scheme (a strange mixture between freemasonry, banking, clergy, politics, high crime - some sort of mutant parasite, very dangerous, becomes corrosive in contact with human society) you'll begin to understand what kind of mentally deranged "elite" you're dealing with all over the country. Special attention is recommended if surgery is decided, due to its position in the body the parasite is capable of anything to protect its larvae deposited with great care in the nervous system, the immune system and cardiocirculatory system.
It is the best time to examine whether the institutions are still working for citizens or they are  involved in other larger power schemes and all their masquerade is all about keeping some appearances that relate to the Constitution of Roumania.

below is just a sample of what we'll do about it


under development

8 more to come...

One of the most important paragrapf in the Bible that no one explains to the people - John 14:6, namely that the text must be interpreted metaphorically in the first instance, is the first "code" to apply to the text. Therefore, if people were really interested in the path that Jesus absolutely recommends simply apply the two keywords "Truth" and  "Life", what would mean telling the truth all the time about what they think and what they do, and protect life in all its forms. What does that mean? It means that you can go to church all your life, respect all canons, pray from morning till night and it does not mean anything. Whay? Simple. Because the ONLY "Way" to the Father is "Truth" and"Life". It is the only way to acces the frequencies that can change the Matrix. This is a serious statement. Can you imagine an hour on Earth where everyone would tell the truth? All the people, Institutions, Secret Services, Freemasonry, Deep State Systems, Organized Religion System, all of them telling the truth about all their crimes and corruption, telling about all their black projects amd lies. The wind of change and rebirth will be next. Or would be the quietest hour in the history of mankind. Now, we are in deep shit.

(How de second sionist-masonic-bolshevik "revolution" in "89 began)
Who sent that Poker Face called Laszlo Tokes and other mentally disturbed punks to instigate for separation of Dacian land?