Monday, August 25, 2014

Institutionalized crime in Satu Mare


         When criminal characters come to lead important institutions as Public Administration, Police etc all normal order turns into the worst nightmare for citizens. Normally, such institutions should protect society from adverse actions such as theft of resources - electricity, natural gas, thermal waters etc or against criminal groups which have become experts in stealing public funds using as cover various institutions, but where institutions are hijacked by criminal groups then their attention is moving mainly to protect illegal activities and even more so, the established mutant-securist mob is trying to "create" fake files - supported by false assumptions - to create an alibi as "legal covering" to track down and threaten ordinary citizens  who could, at some point, become a threat to the established mafia system,  and to do the dirty work (microwave toys and other funny stuff) they usually use criminals which instead of being in jail are on the loose forever, or other (which are in fact the new-born secret services - different branches)  young mentally retarded agents for permanent home harrasment. 
             This is the classic "modus operandi" used in Satu Mare to protect mafia structures scattered all over in public institutions and there are cases in which citizens have made criminal complaints against institutionalized mafia but, instead of defending their rights, on the contrary, they are decived  by different methods in which their signatures are stolen and used to close cases fraudulently.

                                                                                          Institutionalized MAFIA at work in SATU MARE

This is how the things are done
- Joe Pesci should take some lessons in Satu Mare -

1. In the paragraph No. 1 they already recognize that they have found someone who illegally wiretapped phones (in reality they are many more, securist - bolsheviks - criminal punks) - after two years from the filing of criminal complaint !!! ( we wonder what kind of creature is born already equipped with interception equipment?)
2. In the paragraph No. 2 judicial authorities stated that the victim ...... was heard on 18.12.2008 !!!! ( A Big Lie ).....and...listen to this .....
"and dropped the criminal complaint and the right to compensation" and also signing for it. Everything is absolutely perfect with the only exception that such event never took place, no even one notice was ever sent in 10 years by Satu Mare Police or other autority to the victim, no hearings, no nothing.
The capital question is how did the victim's signature reached on such a decision. The answer is very simple. They sent two policemen (one's name is Dindelegan)  to bounce the victim from the street, to put the victim in police car, and put it under pressure to sign a document while saying that there has never been any illegal intercepting, it is just the victim's imagination. And all this not just personally, but in the name and with the authority of the institutions they represent. Whose orders were followed by those policemen? And that's not all, meanwhile the Institutionalized Mafia have tried all the tricks to discredit and discourage all attempts to enforce laws, and behold, after more than 10 years they still do not want to apply the laws and The Constitution, they're still saying that people are stupid enough and the Pope himself gave them and to their children the divine right to decide, rule and do whatever they pleased for ever and ever, earnestly contemplating the legislative and administrative model of Burkina Faso. Civilisation, human rights? Never heard. Absolutely outrage.

             Generally speaking, such things happen in a small town in Romania - called Satu Mare.
             What kind of sick and distorted minds could conceive such a degradation of social order?
             Illegal wiretaps, illegal surveillance, stalking, frauds, threats, intimidations, forcing certains citizens to leave the country and many many more. Is this a model of living together in a country that claims to be civilized?  Wait a minute, we thought that such practices were done since "89, we're missing something here? Who are these guys who terrorize Satu Mare City? This is pure Mafia in its creative peak, the most dangerous stage that a country can reach at its administrative and institutional level.
             Does anyone know what kind of shadowed system protects and promotes such compromised individuals in roumanian institutions? How can such characters to reach that level and control an entire city? Can you imagine what kind of mentaly deranged, criminal, bolshevik, stalinist, corrupted secret services we have to deal with? Someone maybe will ask why all the young people just want to get f... out of the country. Thats why.

         Someone has to clean it up quickly otherwise society itself will assume responsibility, under international common law, to protect itself against endless abuses of corrupt institutions and eliminate mafia elements from the system.
Satu Mare City Hall and City Council
falsification of  promotion tests for administrative structures
abuse of power
sale of common goods to friends, family and others
directing social funds to personal affairs
transformation of administrative affairs into a personal business

Satu Mare Police
illegal interception of telephones
private signature fraud
abuse of power
distortion of truth

Satu Mare Court
abuse of power
releasing particularly dangerous criminals
contributing to the illegal allotment of land to persons who actually are not entitled to it

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