Saturday, January 26, 2013

Deception of the human race - Inselarea rasei umane

O agenda care se apropie de sfarsit, oare cati se vor trezi?
Deturnarea spirituala si istorica a omenirii este cel mai crucial moment din intreaga galaxie.Tine de mii de ani si conduce rasa umana pe un drum al pieirii. Care este motivul real al acestei inselaciuni astronomice incat au trebuit sa fie sincronizate toate fortele umane si materiale de-a lungul istoriei pentru a face sa functioneze un astfel de mecanism? Care este scopul? De ce ar recurge cineva la astfel de masuri extrem de drastice precum stergerea memoriei istorice, distrugerea si denaturarea mostenirii milenare a popoarelor? De ce ar fi nevoie sa se puna chimcale in mancaruri si sa se altereze genetic baza de alimentare a populatiei, de ce ar fi nevoie sa se arunce cu pulberi de metale grele asupra oamenilor si asupra copiilor lipsiti de orice aparare? Care ar putea fi motivul real pentru care cineva ar fi in stare sa-si supuna la asemenea tratamente propria specie? Cand cineva "se joaca" de asemenea maniera cu destabilizarea genetica a fondului uman, cu flora si fauna, cu biosfera planetara in general, este legitima intrebarea referitoare la terraformare? Cine a decis asta si de ce? Si cu ce scop? Singura explicatie logica in cazul teraformarii presupune pregatirea ambientului pentru organisme biologice care nu sunt adaptate la mediul terran. Prin urmare, cineva se pare ca pregateste, incet si sigur,  inlocuirea speciei umane cu alta specie care e pe drum se pare si s-ar acomoda perfect in orasele fantoma construite in graba pe tot cuprinsul Africii. Sute, mii de rapoarte si analize asupra acestor practici ( alimente modificate genetic, vaccinuri, Chemtrails, destabilizarea organismelor prin ELF, medicamente ciudate, Fluor in apa etc  ) impreuna cu alte informatii referitoare la eugenia popoarelor si mutatiile fortate, genocidurile aparent intamplatoare si tacerea suspecta si complicitara a tuturora converg exact la aceeasi concluzie: destabilizarea si distrugerea totala a organismului uman cu un scop precis, bine calculat cu mult timp in urma.

The Agenda is coming to an end, how many will wake up?
Hijacking humanity's spiritual and historical destiny is the most crucial moment of the entire Galaxy. It's going on for thousands of years and leads the human race on a road of desolation. What is the real reason of this astronomical scam that needed all human and material forces to be synchronized with the aim of making this apparatus work? What is the real purpose? Why would someone take so extremely drastic measures like historical memory erasing, destruction and distortion of the millennial heritage of peoples?  Why someone  would need to put chemicals in foods and genetically modify food base of population,  why in the world someone would need to throw heavy metal powders on people and on children deprived of any self defence? What could be the real reason why anyone would be able to submit to such treatment his own species? When someone is "playing" in such a way with the destabilization of human genetics, involving  flora and fauna as well, with the planetary biosphere in general, it is a legitimate the question regarding the terraforming? Who decided that and why? The only logical explanation in this case involves preparation of  the ambient for biological organisms that are not adapted to Terra. Therefore it seems that someone is preparing, slowly and surely, to replace the human species to another species. Hundreds, thousands of reports and analysis on these practices ( GM foods, vaccines, Chemtrails, destabilization of the human organism with ELF, strange drugs, Fluoride in the water, etc ) converge exactly to the same conclusion: the destabilization and total destruction of the human body.


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