Please take a short and careful look at this mail and see how deep is the corruption in our religion and administrative institutions. We, the honest and decent people of this town (and country) Satu Mare - Romania, are trying to fight back this ilegal Sionist-Bolshevik Mafia whom had destroyed my country and our childrens future disrespecting the entire Constitution and recover back our "divine guidance" but the trial its very difficult. It is a shame for the entire human race that we have allowed this to happen, it is our fault and we'll fix that mistake. As a matter of fact, this sindicat of organized crime whom had ruled and hijacked our politic and administrative institutions sience 1989, and killed our children durring the false Revolution in 1989, is trying right now to set up the ultimate dictatorial state against the hopeless and poor people of Romania. They are criminals, they have stoled our natural resourses,they have infiltrated every single politic party/institution, they have colapsed our entire economy forcing almost 4 millions of young people to fled out the country. We consider this fact to be totally inacceptable, unhuman,criminal and against all rules of good feeling, thats why, in the near future they will be charged by high treason, genocide, undermining the national economy and crimes against humanity. And that is a fact. We dont demand our freedom in our country, because it is our natural legacy from our natural ancestors - Dacians, we proclame our right to restore the order by Constitution and by law in our country, we proclame it, we have the right to live and decide the future of our childrens in our own "home". We are trying, against all odds, to aply the laws but the corruption is at so hight level that there is almost no chance to achieve our goal by that way. We know for sure that they expect us to riot in the streets and then to shoot our childrens again, like they did in 1989, we know that is a precise scene (act) well prepared before, to establish the diabolical (ashke)-nazi illuminati New World Order Agenda in Romania, thats why, as you all can see, they take every day certain economic measures to leed us on that way. We know that trick called "Problem - Reaction - Solution", when the criminal governments apllying psychic and economic terrorism push you to take certain measures (riots) and then using those situations to implement their own agendas for excuse to the situation they already have created from the beggining. We know for sure that in this plan are involved wellknowed foreign and domestic elements whom will try, for the last time, to force a "regionalisation" plan and finaly to desintegrate Romania piece by piece as they have tryed in 1989. We know the name of the game, and, fortunately, is no more time for that kind of task, its too late. The Owners are here, back at home, the Gates are closed and sealed, and nobody is going anywhere. Please, in the name of the Truth, return to your human senses and feelings and try to understand that the (ashke)-nazi & sionist-bolshevik & satanic Vatican - criminal New World Order whom is planning to dethrone the humanity all over the planet, including Romania right now, have a very short life and it have no future,, and that too, is a fact, be sure of that. Anyone on this Earth having a little sense of logical perspective can see very clear the monstrosity witch oppress the human race and the human spirit, the dark Kabbal whom wants to proclaim its authority over the planet this year. We must, for our children's future, to stand up against this ultimate tiranny, this fraud, whom had destroyed my people (and others) from inside. If it wins by force of tiranny and deception in our country today, it will knock at your door early tomorrow morning and it will be nobody left out there to hear your complains. Thank you for your time and for listening my words.
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Va rugam sa aruncati o scurta si atenta privire asupra acestui mail si sa observati cat de adanca e coruptia in institutiile noastre administrative si religioase. Noi, locuitorii decenti si onesti din acest oras (si tara) Satu Mare - Romania, incercam sa ne opunem acestei Mafii Sionisto-Bolsevice care ne-a distrus tara si viitorul copiilor nostrii prin nerespectarea intregii Constitutii, si sa ne recuperam calea, insa incercarea este una foarte dificila. Este o rusine pentru intreaga rasa umana faptul ca am ingaduit sa se intample toate aceste lucruri, este vina noastra si o sa ne indreptam greseala. De fapt, acest sindicat al crimei organizate care ne-a acaparat si deturnat institutiile noastre politice si administrative inca din 1989, si ne-au ucis copiii in timpul falsei Revolutii din anul 1989, incearca chiar acum sa instaureze un stat dictatorial absolut asupra populatiei romane sarace si lipsite de aparare. Sunt criminali, ne-au furat resursele naturale, s-au infiltrat in fiecare partid politic si in fiecare institutie, ne-au colapsat intreaga economie nationala fortand aproape 4 milioane de tineri sa isi paraseasca tara. Consideram aceste fapte total inacceptabile, inumane, criminale si impotriva oricaror reguli ale bunului simt, tocmai de aceea in viitorul apropiat ei vor fi acuzati de inalta tradare, genocid, subminarea economiei nationale si crime impotriva umanitatii. Si asta e un Adevar. Nu ne cerem libertatea in tara noastra, deoarece e mostenirea legala din partea strabunilor naturali – Dacii, noi ne proclamam dreptul de a restabili ordinea prin Constitutie si legi in tara noastra, ne proclamam dreptul inalienabil de a trai si decide viitorul copiilor nostrii in propria noastra “casa”. Incercam, impotriva tuturor sortilor, sa aplicam institutional legile insa coruptia e la un nivel atat de ridicat incat aproape nu exista nici o sansa de a ne atinge obiectivele pe aceasta cale. Stim, cu siguranta, ca se asteapta ca noi sa ne razvratim in strada ca apoi sa ne impuste copiii din nou, asa cum au facuto in 1989, stim exact ca face parte dintrun plan bine pus la punct cu mult timp inainte prin intermediul caruia vor sa instaureze diabolica (ashke) nazi Illuminati Agenda a Noii Ordini Mondiale in Romania, tocmai de aceea, dupa cum puteti observa cu toti, in fiecare zi ei pun in aplicare masuri economice cu scopul de a ne aduce in acea situatie. Cunoastem trucul "Problema - Reactie - Solutie" cand guvernele criminale, cu ajutorul terorismului psihic si economic, forteaza efectiv populatia sa ia anumite masuri de autoaparare (manifestatii) pentru ca apoi sa foloseasca acele situatii instabile in scopul implementarii propriilor agende secrete ca si scuza la situatia pe care chiar ei au creato premeditat de la bun inceput. Stim cu siguranta ca la acest plan vor participa si elemente straine si autohtone binecunoscute care vor incerca, pentru ultima data, sa impuna un plan de "regionalizare" pentru a dezintegra in cele din urma teritorial Romania bucata cu bucata, asa cum au incercat si in 1989. Stim care e “jocul”, si, din fericire, nu mai este timp pentru a duce la indeplinire acest plan, e prea tarziu. Proprietarii s-au reintors acasa, Portile sunt inchise si sigilate si nimeni nu merge nicaieri. Va rugam, in numele Adevarului, reintoarceti-va la simturile si sentimentele voastre umane si incercati sa intelegeti ca criminala ((ashke)-nazi& sionisto-bolsevica & Vatican satanista) Noua Ordine Mondiala care incearca sa detroneze umanitatea de pe intreaga planeta, inclusiv in Romania in acest moment, are o viata foarte scurta si nu are nici un viitor, si asta este iarasi un Adevar, sa fiti siguri de asta. Orice om de pe acest Pamant care are un minimum de perspectiva logica poate vedea clar monstruozitatea care oprima umanitatea si spiritual uman, Kabbala intunecata care doreste sa isi proclame autoritatea peste intreaga planeta anul acesta. Trebuie, pentru viitorul copiilor nostrii, sa ne ridicam impotriva acestei tiranii absolute, aceasta frauda care a distrus poporul roman ( si alte popoare) din interior. Daca castiga astazi prin forta tiraniei si a inselaciunii in Romania, maine dimineata devreme va bate si la poarta voastra, si nu va mai fi nimeni altundeva sa auda plangerile voastre. Multumesc pentru timpul acordat si pentru ca ati ascultat cuvintele mele.

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