Prin anii 80" apare pe piata un joc de carti numit "Illuminati" care ilustreaza practic momente ale istoriei inca nepetrecute la acea vreme. In timp insa, pentru unii acele carti se dovedesc a fi adevarate "oracole". Pentru altii ele nu reprezinta decat "amprenta" (blueprint) unui plan diabolic si minutios indeplinit pas cu pas pentru atingerea unui stadiu specific, la un moment dat.
In the "80 somehow came on the market the play cards game so called "Illuminati", showing certain historical events that have not yet spent. Soon after that, those cards became true oracles for some, but for others they taggent prints of a diabolical and well developed plan acomplished step by step in order to achieve a specific state at one time.
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Carti alese si asezate in ordine cronologica
Selected cards are placed in chronological order
(sometime it works, sometime's not,depends on how fast the world awakens)
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