Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"Elites" are rushing into hiding - "Elitele" se grabesc sa se ascunda

Oare de ce atata graba? Ce ascund guvernantii si nu se spune in massmedia? Acestea sunt operatiuni ce se petrec in fiecare tara, nu doar in USA, drept urmare ar trebui sa existe o explicatie pe cat de logica pe atat de simpla, deoarece se poate observa o anumita "accelerare" in ultimii trei ani. Cei care au studiat istoria in amanuntime pot confirma cazuri clare din trecutul indepartat al Terrei cand exponenti ai unor civilizatii trecute au procedat identic in momente critice, fiind amenintati cu extinctia de adevarate catastrofe. Cand pericolul venea de jos se refugiau la inaltime, iar cand napasta venea de sus se baricadau in subterane. Nimic nou sub soare. Poate constitui aceasta marturie, alaturi de alte mii de acest gen, faptul ca exista pe planeta doua clase sociale care, desi se plimba in aceeasi dimensiune, traiesc in "realitati" total diferite? O clasa care detine informatia vitala doar pentru ea si in acelasi timp mentine fortat cealalta categorie intro realitate lipsita de sens si de orice perspectiva. Cat cinism.

Why so much haste?  What the Government and massmedia are hiding? These are operations that happen in every country, not only in USA, therefore  it should be a logic and simple explanation because it can be seen an  "acceleration"  in the last three years. Those who have studied history in detail can clearly confirm many cases in the far past of the Earth when exponents of past civilizations have identical behaviour in critical moments, being threatened with extinction by real disasters. When the danger was coming from below they took refuge  at hights, and  when it came from above they took refuge underground. There's nothing new under the Sun. Could be this testimony, among other thousants, an evidence that now on the planet exist  two social classes walking in the same dimension but living in total diferent "realities"? A class that holds vital informations and not sharing it whit others, and in the same time keeping the other "lower" class in a reality devoid of sense and from any perspective.
                                                                                            Oare ce vine?  We wonder what is comming?
                                                                                       Se pare ca e de bine, cel putin asa se tot spune la TV
                                                                                 It seems that's ok, at least they speak in these terms on TV

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