Every nation has contributed to the world culture and spirituality, some more and some less, throughout history have emerged particularly important old manuscripts and artefacts which brought more light on the people's way.
Soon it looks like a new biblical discovery will disturb a little bit the millennial trance. Is not yet fully confirmed, but there are rumors that a guy of ancient manuscripts, called Remfan, was found in Dacia (Roumania) - Arad City, he is doing very well in the high grass of the city and has big plans.
If the information is confirmed then it seems that the institutions that were for so long in search of him, and were so troubled by the agility with which he was hiding, will no longer need so many funds for further investigations. The case is closed. Next patient, please!
Do you wanna know what Big Mob really means?
Link for PDF large map:
When Dacian people will realize, finally, what kind of ancient, dark rituals they were drawn into by bolshevik-sionist mafia, without their knowledge...well...mabye just then they'll see and really understand the true nature of the secret societies, secret orders and distorted characters they have allowed, naively, to decide their future. What you see here, and in the other maps too, are authentic ritualistic scenes used by the black secret orders of ancient priesthoods, were called in various ways - magic sigils, keys (of course, you have no idea what kind of gate opens) etc, and the "outsiders" called them "the gates of hell", not because they had a very rich imagination but when the secret orders performed sometimes human sacrifices (see the specific locations of various "accidents", fires and "crimes") then a whole avalanche of abnormale events began to manifest in reality defying the natural course of the society. Today, they often run such rituals to create "spontaneous revolutions" and feuds among people, it creates suspicion between brothers, extreme mental manipulation, maximum disorientation (according to the persued objective), impossibility of a natural social development etc and every time the ritual must coincide with an specific astral circumstance or a date of an ancient celebration when they worshiped a god, which usually begin and end with human sacrifices (see the specific locations of various "accidents", fires and "crimes"). Are nothing but bloody rituals in various disguises ( masked in various public commemorations and celebrations, "special public meetings" etc ) and from which it benefits, usually, exactly the same medieval groups of bankers and priests. This kind of knowledge, or...let's say the secrets of black arts were held in the greatest secrecy thousands of years, nobody knew who forward them and to whom but the last time that anyone had openly access to it was when the Templars stole them from Palestine. After that they were grabbed by Papacy and jesuits, and from there they came, in small bits, in possession of various Masonic orders (created by jesuits - various masonic branches or false Christian sects) across the continent. It is now understood why Masonry and the Church are declared to be a public utility? They have nothing to do with the original gnostic trend called "christianity", which tried desperately to extract people out of the satanic domination imposed by the power system since then. They are the two sides of the same coin, governments are just o joke, were put there for sheeps to think that they are choosing someone. The rest is just a macabre experiment with the minds and souls of men. Would be interesting to find out who is behind all these malevolent attacks against Dacian (rumanian) people, would be so interesting to know who started the dastardly attack of '89 and who were so interested to chase Rumanian children out of their own country. Why Dacian (rumanian) children were told after '89 that they have no chance to develop their own lifes in their own country and it's better to go somewhere else? Why anyone would want to remove the original Dacian ethnic element from Rumania and continuously falsify the history hiding what it is already written in all histories. Who could be so barbaric in nature and desperately promoting satanism on a poor people who did not move from here for nearly 5000 years? There is a law in the Universe according to which, sooner or later, each one will get to drink from the cup he poured it to others. That's the law. It works for millions of years and is part of the electro-magnetic mechanism that we call The Universe (the space under the Dome). So far...no one has escaped.
- If you find in your town such "schemes" then your society too has been already infiltrated and subverted by bolshevik-sionist-allogeneic mafia. Better wake up and confront the most cunning, clever and ruthless enemy that you've ever imagined. -
This sort of parasite has a specific method of spreading and camouflage, the secret of its longevity and immunity lies exactly in the total discretion and mimicry in which manages to infiltrate...
1. banking
2. religion
3. politics
4. intelligence
5. energy industry
6. entertainment industries
7. government
8. education
9. sport
10. media
11. finances
12. courts of law
13. law enforcement...
...mainly targeting the sources of money, informations and points of major influence over society. When the bolshevik-allogeneic parasite it feels in danger of being exposed acts simultaneously in all directions causing outbreaks of social unrest, high-level actions (government, ministries, decisions, laws, pshycho - war on citizens etc.) that shocks and unsettles society, irredentist and other ethnic groups act immediately desperately seeking to provoke ethnic incidents to instantly "transform" them into "victims"(oh ...memories of the old school tricks), arsonists appear out of nowhere, all kinds of antisocial actions APPARENTLY without any connection between them, diversions to weaken vigilance and creating disorientation and uncertainty, an attempt to destabilize mentally what was left of the healthy civil society. It is the only way managed so far to preserve itself and escape removal. Is old, rooted in a nation's lifeblood and the only way to annihilate it is exposure. Studying only slightly Satu Mare Bolshevik-allogeneic Mafia Scheme (a strange mixture between freemasonry, banking, clergy, politics, high crime - some sort of mutant parasite, very dangerous, becomes corrosive in contact with human society) you'll begin to understand what kind of mentally deranged "elite" you're dealing with all over the country. Special attention is recommended if surgery is decided, due to its position in the body the parasite is capable of anything to protect its larvae deposited with great care in the nervous system, the immune system and cardiocirculatory system.
It is the best time to examine whether the institutions are still working for citizens or they are involved in other larger power schemes and all their masquerade is all about keeping some appearances that relate to the Constitution of Roumania.
below is just a sample of what we'll do about it
under development
8 more to come...

One of the most important paragrapf in the Bible that no one explains to the people - John 14:6, namely that the text must be interpreted metaphorically in the first instance, is the first "code" to apply to the text. Therefore, if people were really interested in the path that Jesus absolutely recommends simply apply the two keywords "Truth" and "Life", what would mean telling the truth all the time about what they think and what they do, and protect life in all its forms. What does that mean? It means that you can go to church all your life, respect all canons, pray from morning till night and it does not mean anything. Whay? Simple. Because the ONLY "Way" to the Father is "Truth" and"Life". It is the only way to acces the frequencies that can change the Matrix. This is a serious statement. Can you imagine an hour on Earth where everyone would tell the truth? All the people, Institutions, Secret Services, Freemasonry, Deep State Systems, Organized Religion System, all of them telling the truth about all their crimes and corruption, telling about all their black projects amd lies. The wind of change and rebirth will be next. Or would be the quietest hour in the history of mankind. Now, we are in deep shit.
(How de second sionist-masonic-bolshevik "revolution" in "89 began)
Who sent that Poker Face called Laszlo Tokes and other mentally disturbed punks to instigate for separation of Dacian land?